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The following notice goes out to all Black Rock Real Estate Agents:

Based on the latest market data it has become obvious that properties containing even the slightest bit of trash are not selling.
In a market where owners are maintaining properties with meticulous detail we simply cannot compete with our cigarette butt and boa feather filled lots. Therefore the following will be required of all licensed agents in the Black Rock office: 

I. Preparation 

a. Agents will minimize the amount they will bring to the playa. Items with loose ends or that may molt in any way will not be allowed. 

b. Clean up tools will include gloves, magnets, keen eyes, a small shovel, patience, and 4 extra trash bags. Any agent that fails to produce these items will have their license revoked. 

II. Playa Policies 

a. During regular office hours all agents are responsible for maintaining a professional office space. This means keeping our lot as clean, if not cleaner than possible. Market research shows that customers are less likely to complete a sale in office spaces that have clutter. Any spare time should be spent keeping our space presentable.

b. During showings and meetings, all agents should keep a suitable container (trash bag or otherwise) for policing trash at our properties. This includes the roadways and approaches to all the properties.

III. Office Closure

a. All agents must attend the mandatory on-site meeting on Sunday. At this time all agents will participate in a close order inspection of our area before the office is closed down for the winter holiday.  Any agents who fail to show will answer to das trash fuher. 

Thank you for your support in this important matter.

All yours,

Tom McKevitt
BRRC Trash Furer